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Local Football Facility Plans

For the first time ever we have a detailed roadmap to give this country the grassroots infrastructure it deserves

Every community in England now has a bespoke plan, outlining the facilities they need.

The Football Association, Premier League and The Government (via Sport England) is committed to making a major investment in local football facilities over the next 10 years. To inform and direct this investment, a Local Football Facility Plan (LFFP) for each Local Authority has been produced. 

These plans will aim to;

- Improve grass pitches
- Develop Changing rooms / pavilions
- Create new 3G artificial turf pitches
- Introduce Small sided facilities

Each LFFP within Sheffield & Hallamshire has been produced in collaboration with Local Authorities, professional clubs, grassroots clubs and other local stakeholders who provided crucial local knowledge and input towards football provision and the demand for specific facility developments. 

Whilst the LFFPs are not a guarantee of funding or successful applications, the plans will be used to ensure the highest priority areas are targeted in order to deliver the identified projects when investment is available.

We expect that 90% of Football Foundation funding will be used to deliver projects highlighted within the plans. Each project must still follow an application process to show how it will deliver key participation outcomes, become a quality & sustainable facility and demonstrate suitable match-funding.

local football facility plans

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