Safeguarding Children at Sporting Events

Safeguarding Children at Sporting Events at Licensed Premises

Information for clubs

With clubs starting to plan their end of season presentation nights, fundraisers and functions, it’s important that event organisers make sure your chosen venue is safe and suitable for children, particularly if alcohol is on sale.

If you intend on using a premises (such as a pub, social club and even your own clubhouse) that is licensed under the 2003 Licensing Act, the premises manager has a legal responsibility to make sure systems are in place to protect children from physical, moral and psychological harm.

How should risk be managed?

It is recommended that you discuss the potential risks with the venue manager at the time you book the event at their premises and ask what policies they have in place to protect children. You may be asked to agree to comply with the following systems and this agreement may form part of your booking contract with the premises manager. Demonstrating that safeguarding measures operate at the premises should reassure the parents/carers and your club’s management committee, that the premises is a suitable venue.

Where can I find guidance?

Together with Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership and Yorkshire Sport Foundation, we have created a leaflet for sports club management committees and their event organisers, to help them manage sports events/functions in a way that’s safe and suitable for children.


Useful contacts

Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA
Claire MacRory, Designated Safeguarding Officer
T: 07534 442015

Sheffield Children Safeguarding Partnership
Contact the Safeguarding Licensing Manager at:
T: 0114 2736753

NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit

Yorkshire Sport Foundation
Safeguarding O­fficer
T: 0330 20 20 280

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