Creating new opportunities for female players
Charnock Ridgway Girls FC have recently created a new Women’s FA Snickers Just Play recreational centre in line with EURO 2022, to create a less informal football opportunity for females of all levels to attend in preparation for creating a new female football team for the club establishing a full player pathway.
The new Just Play Centre kicks off on Wednesday 2nd June (6:00pm-7:00pm) for all female participants 16+.
Venue: Westfield Sports Centre, Eckington Road, Beighton, S201HQ
If this is of interest to you, please see the link below to the booking link for the session
Link with FA Wildcats!
The new Adult sessions is also linked to the clubs current FA Wildcats centre that runs at the same venue and time, providing the option for parents/ carers of girls 5-11yrs to play alongside each other.
“Fitness, Fun, Basics Football with a bit of a game at the end. If you are getting back into the game or totally new this is the right session for you. If you have a daughter 5-11 years why not drop them at our wildcats session then come and play yourself!”
If the FA Wildcats centre is also of interest to you, please see the link below to the booking link
The centre organiser Charlotte provided the following comments on why the club has chosen to set up the FA Snicker Just Play Centre;
Why have you set this up/ what impact are you looking to make?
“From speaking to a number of mums who bring their daughters to sessions on a regular basis it became apparent they had caught the football bug and wanted to get involved in football as well. Whether that was those lacing up their boots after time away or those wanting to give football a try for the first time, we thought that a Just Play session seemed the perfect opportunity for all. We expect to see many giving it a try for the social, fitness and fun element which a just play session offers and we purposely scheduled the just play session to run alongside a new wildcats session so mums can drop players at their Wildcats session, nip outside and can burn some energy themselves. We see this as a perfect opportunity for all.”
Why should new and existing female players get involved in your sessions? what are the benefits?
“We understand that people play football for a number of different reasons and so we offer a number of different sessions to suit. We can also guarantee a friendly, relaxed environment for players to enjoy their time with us.
The benefits of football are widespread and along with the obvious fitness and mental health benefits, we have seen first hand many players, previously lacking in self-confidence, now believing in themselves again after being exposed to a positive, engaging environment.
We encourage everyone, whether aged 6 or 60 to get involved in football to find out the benefits themselves.”
What impact do you believe Sheffield being a host city for the EURO 2022 competitions make on the women's game locally?
“Female football has grown significantly over recent years and its an exciting time to get involved at all levels of the game. With Sheffield being a host city, you would expect to see a warm Yorkshire welcome and we will show fans around the world how to put on a proper game of football.
We need to grasp this opportunity and all the positive media attention locally to encourage more females into the game. Whether that’s through our Wildcats programme, Just Play sessions, getting involved in a grassroots team or starting them on their coaching pathways, the more opportunities on offer, the better.”
Contact Details
If you would like to see the other FA Snicker Just Play centre opportunities available or wish to find out more about how to start a new Just Play centre CLICK HERE