Doncaster Charter Standard Club Offer
Following on from the Doncaster Sunday Alliance league meeting last year, we at the County FA would like take this opportunity to give all adult male teams in Doncaster more information about the benefits of becoming an FA Charter Standard (CS) Adult Club and the criteria needed to achieve this status.
It is a relatively simple process and shouldn’t take you too long to achieve and it will not only be very beneficial to your club, but you will also be supporting the Doncaster Sunday Alliance league who are looking to become a Charter Standard League too. To incentivise the process, Sheffield County FA, Doncaster Sunday Alliance League, Doncaster Council and Club Doncaster are working in partnership to offer a wealth of benefits and incentives to reward teams in taking up the accreditation:
Once you have become a CS Club, you will receive the following benefits:
• £100 Nike Footballs (every season if CS status is maintained)
• An official FA plaque and certificate
• Free tickets for England youth and women’s international games
• £70 cash reward/incentive from the Doncaster Sunday Alliance League once the application has been completed and status achieved
• Club Doncaster incentive of complimentary tickets and support in pitch hire/bookings
Dean Wiffen (Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council) and we at the County FA are more than happy to offer our support in completing the application. The following criteria are needed to become a CS Adult Club:
• All teams affiliated to this club must play adult football only
• Each team within the club is required to have a qualified first aid person who is named and listed on the WGS (Whole Game System). The named individual who is present on match days and at training with each team must have an in date FA Emergency Aid qualification certificate or an Ofqual/ St Johns Ambulance/ British Red Cross approved qualification that is in date and valid.
• Club Constitution and Rules ( FA template can be provided)
• Set of recent Committee minutes
• Copy of AGM (annual general meeting) minutes
• Copy of accounts and proof of a Club Bank Account, preferably with two or more signatories
• Copy of FA Respect Codes of Conduct (FA template can be provided)
• Copy of Club Equality Policy (FA template can be provided)
Please find at the bottom of this page an FA Charter Standard Adult Club application form, a template/example copy of the Club Constitution and Rules, the FA Respect Codes of Conduct and Club Equality Policy.
This form needs to be completed and returned by email with any supporting documents to, and each season you will also be required to complete a simple “club health check” via the Whole Game System.
Charter Standard Clubs provide a safe and well run football club, with the right infrastructure, committee and volunteers clubs are more likely to sustain and grow than non-charter standard clubs. Players are also better safeguarded and have the access to a first aider, this attracts more players to your club.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate in contacting Mark Wozniak at the Sheffield and Hallamshire County FA . Tel: 0114 2615515
Supporting Documents
Charter Standard Adult Application From - CLICK HERE
Club Rules - CLICK HERE
Code of Conduct - CLICK HERE
Safeguarding Policy - CLICK HERE
Compliant Club Rules - CLICK HERE
Equality Policy - CLICK HERE