SHCFA UEFA B Insight Evening
Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA welcomes coaches looking to take the next step on their coaching pathway to the UEFA B Insight Evening.
The evening is scheduled for Wednesday 28th March from 6:00pm-8:00pm and will be held at SGP Westfield, Moss Way, Sheffield, S20 8FA.
The aim of the evening is to provide coaches looking to enroll on the next UEFA B licence with an insight into what the course covers.
The evening will include:
- Prerequisites for the course.
- The coaching environment learners need to be working in.
- A brief overview of the course content.
- How the assessment process will take place.
- Support available for learners
- Course structure and outcomes
- How the practical and theoretical elements work
- Questions and answers
There is a maximum capacity of 48 places available and places are FREE to book.
To book your place now, CLICK HERE (You will need your FAN and password to book)