County Cups

U18s Yellow Armband


Referees under the age of 18 across the Sheffield and Hallamshire region can indicate their age by wearing a distinctive yellow armband.

The initiative is a clear visual reminder to players, team officials, parents and spectators that an official wearing the armband is aged under 18 and is still subject to children’s safeguarding legislation – and should therefore be protected, encouraged and treated with respect.

The aim is to create a safe and positive environment for developing referees to ensure they stay in the game as officials for years to come.

The yellow U18 armband is a visual reminder, that players, team officials and parents and spectators should think twice, before questioning every decision they make, verbally abusing or intimidating U18’s referees.

It will help players, team officials and spectators understand that the referee is under 18 years of age is on a learning curve – and wearing a Yellow Armband is not only a reminder of this, but also an opportunity to support and encourage young officials. 

Whilst all forms of improper conduct against a Match Official are unacceptable, a Commission could see an offence against a Match Official who is under the age of 18 as an aggravating factor. 

All new referees under the age of 18 will be provided with an armband during their FA Referee course.

Current referees under the age of 18 can request an armband by emailing

Get in touch

Danny Guest
Referee Development Officer
07704 170918

Since I started wearing the yellow armband to officiate games, it has changed the way parents and spectators communicate with me.  Coaches have been very supportive as well!
- U18 Referee
U18 referee initiative
Get involved


All new referees under the age of 18 will be provided with an armband during their FA Referee course.

If you are a current U18 referee, you can order your armband for free by getting in touch.