Soccercise is an instructor-led aerobic exercise or circuit class, typically lasting 45 – 60 mins in length. It can be delivered indoors or outdoors and combines a variety of fitness exercises with a football. The class is delivered to music and is based on repetitions of specific exercises (i.e. toe taps, squats, sit-ups). Participants can create their own workout to do at home or take part in exercises as part of a class.
Anyone can try Soccercise! You don’t need to have played any football before to take part. Soccercise can help introduce you to the game, re-familiarise people that used to play, act as pre-season fitness or as part of a warm-up for a football training session.
The exercises cater for all abilities. It’s a great way of exercising with your friends, teammates or colleagues.
Why should you try Soccercise?
- Improve your fitness
- Have fun
- Learn basic football skills
- Get a taste of football without the pressure of a game
- Meet new people
Attend a Local Soccercise Class
Deliver a Local Soccercise Class
Get fit with a football!
Join us at Zest Community Centre in Sheffield every Thursday at 9.30am.