'Play Your Way' Funding for Communities
Funding available for community organisations
We hope that Play Your Way sessions empower communities to get women involved in football in an environment that they feel comfortable and safe in. It brings football to the women as opposed to asking women to go to the football in a football setting. Community groups, individuals, faith groups and others can play a vital part in empowering women to get fit and active, have fun and make new friends, all through playing football.
To help you do this we are offering the following:
- Funding – either innovation or development
- Support from our Women’s Recreational Football Officer
- Valuable insight on marketing and setting up your session
- Ready made surveys and consultation methods to find out what women want
- Equipment and kit (dependent on the funding applied for)
- Opportunity to engage with further funding for workforce or events
Get In Touch
Sheffield and Hallamshire County FA
Benefits of Play Your Way
The sessions will benefit the women in your community in many ways. They will become more physically fit therefore making them feel healthier. By playing with other women, they will make more friends and social connections. It is a great way to let off steam and support positive mental health.
When women find a space and activity that they feel safe to play in, they will recommend it to friends and others, which may well lead to you engaging with brand new women in your area.
Struggle to find volunteers? Play Your Way is a great way for women to dip their toe into volunteering by organising the session, leading the Whatsapp group or leading the session. It is a great way to empower women to feel more confident and then consider other opportunities.
We honestly could keep going but we’re hoping by this point, you see that there are so many benefits to Play Your Way sessions, and so many ways to set up your session. You can appeal to a specific age group, you might want to link it with a current session e.g. a coffee morning group, or even use it in your area as a social prescribing group.
About the funding
The funding window closes on Monday 20th September at 10am.
The application form with all relevant information can be found below.
There are two funding opportunities available:
- Innovation funding – this is up to £300 for sessions that run for at least 6 weeks. These sessions must appeal to women that are either inactive or have very little history in participating in football. This funding is the opportunity for you to try something new.
- Development funding – this is up to £750 for sessions that run for at least 32 weeks of the year. These sessions can appeal to any type of women. This funding is the opportunity for you to kick start something you know is needed and wanted.
Complete the application pack below, ensuring you also attach your public liability insurance, and send it to Sara Harnett by Monday 20th September at 10am.
If you need any support or have any questions about the application or Play Your Way please contact Sara on the email address above or on 07805 683784.
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by Monday 4th October at 5pm.