Leagues & Clubs
support for our affiliated leagues and clubs
Many of our leagues and clubs are run by volunteers who give up countless hours to make sure grassroots football is available for all.
We support our affiliated leagues and clubs to grow and develop, helping them build for now and for the future. Together, we empower every team, fixture, player, volunteer, referee, spectator and fan, ensuring everyone enjoys our beautiful game.
Find more information on the support we offer to football clubs and leagues in the county below.
Get in touch
League and Clubs
Local Leagues
Club Management
Funding & Grants Hub
Facility Development
Club Affiliation
Setting up a new club?
Ready to start your own football club and affiliate with Sheffield and Hallamshire County FA?
Find out how to get the ball rolling.
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Visit our helpdesk to find answers to frequently asked questions, view helpful guides and to get support by raising a ticket.