
Coach Support Events

Our coach support events aim to provide coaches with the support and knowledge to make them the best coaches they can be. Each of our events has its own specific focus such as technical components, the FA's 4 corner model or specialist events. 

Here at the County FA, we acknowledge that changes to coach education have left coaches without face to face support. We want to invest our time and resources into filling this void to support the people that keep grassroots football going. 


Coach support sessions are free workshops designed to help develop grassroots coaches knowledge and understanding of: 

  • The technical components of the games
  • Principles of play
  • The FA's 4 corner model
  • New practice and session ideas
  • Understand how to develop players

All Coach Support Workshops include practical coach observations of sessions delivered by England Football Coach Educators or professional coaches.

Check the 'Who is this event for' section of each event to see which level of coaching it is suitable for.

All the workshops are completely free. To register click the 'Book Your Place' button and complete the short registration form.

Get In Touch

Tom Measham
Head of Football Operations
07704 170915

Club 1879 coach development workshops

integrating psychosocial development into coaching

Delivered by Dr Tom Mitchell

Date: Thursday 27th February 2025, arrive from 5.30 PM, 6-8 PM.

Venue: Eco Power Stadium, DN4 5JW

Cost: £10 per event

Book Your Place

Understanding the Principles of play

Delivered by Cliff Byrne, DRFC Assistant Manager

Date: Thursday 17th April 2025, arrive from 5.30 PM, 6-8 PM.

Venue: Eco Power Stadium, DN4 5JW

Cost: £10 per event

Book Your Place

Managing the Difference

Delivered by Dr Tom Mitchell

Date: Thursday 15th May 2025, arrive from 5.30 PM, 6-8 PM.

Venue: Eco Power Stadium, DN4 5JW

Cost: £10 per event

Book Your Place

Maltby Learning Trust Workshops

Constraints Approach- Constraining small-sided games to deliver intended outcomes

Date: Thursday 13th March, 6 - 7.30PM
Venue: Sir Thomas Wharton Academy, Tait Ave, New Edlington, Doncaster DN12 1HH

This workshop aims to look into how we maximise the impact of the game part of your coaching sessions by using a constraints approach to make your game deliver against your intended outcomes for the session.

Delivered by Elliott Flowers FA UEFA C Tutor

Workshop will include a practical coaching session.

Learning Outcomes

  • Using team and player challenges
  • Integrating technical and tactical elements into your games
  • Connecting training and the game
  • Game design ideas to use with your team


Book Your Place

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